MFCR Calls out Gov. Whitmer’s Hypocrisy

 Contact : Jack Harrison

Lansing, Mich. — The Michigan Federation of College Republicans are appalled by the series of actions that have come to light about Gov. Gretchen Whitmer during her tenure as governor. 

“Gov. Whitmer has told Michiganders to follow her countless orders, yet she cannot even follow them,” Jack Harrison, public relations chairman, said. “She told Michiganders not to travel during the peak of the pandemic. She told Michiganders not to go to bars and sit more than six at a table. But she and her staff did.”

This governor promised Michigan transparency, but could not be more cunning. Gov. Whitmer refuses to provide the details on her nursing home COVID-19 policies. She has paid off staffers to silence them. Gov. Whitmer refuses to explain why the state forgot to order a vaccine shipment. This is not transparency.

Our state should have been open sooner and many Michiganders are still experiencing the economic challenges as a result of her actions. Gov. Whitmer is not an ally to our businesses. She vetoed bipartisan legislation this week that would reimburse businesses for the sales tax they paid on PPE purchases.

Our College Republicans want new leadership, not political elitism. Michiganders want new leadership and a governor for all Michignders. This is why Gov. Whitmer’s approval rating continues to decline. The MFCR is prepared to assist whoever the 2022 gubernatorial nominee is for the Republican Party because Michigan deserves better.


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