The Threat of Chinese Communism

[Lansing, MI] - The Chinese Confucius Institute is a growing problem on college campuses across the United States. In Michigan, this threat has come to Western Michigan University, Michigan State University, and Wayne State University. Chairman of the MFCR, Brant Siegfried stated, “The University of Michigan led the way by disbanding its Confucius Institute in 2018, but Confucius Institutes remain at Michigan State University, Western Michigan University, and Wayne State University.”

This group markets itself as a public education organization funded by the People's Republic of China. Their stated goal is to “support the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture in the United States and enable people-to-people exchanges, deepening cross-cultural understanding, and language development” -- Confucius Institute U.S Center. As wonderful as this initially sounds, it is simply a ruse to infiltrate our universities and communities with communism.

Filled with good intentions, communism totes a peaceful and classless society. However, over the past one hundred years, communism has taken 100 million lives, more than the Second World War. Communism has brought nothing but death and suffering to our world. The only outcome this spread of Communism can bring is more death and destruction.

As our state’s collegiate voice of Republican Values, the MFCR is taking a strong stance on this invasive issue. Communist propaganda will not be tolerated on our campuses and in our state. Michigan is part of the American Dream where everyone has a fighting chance if they choose to take it.

“We need to end the presence of foreign propaganda outfits on our campuses which threaten our academic freedom.” -- Brandt Siegfried, Chairman of Michigan Federation of College Republicans.


MFCR Joint Statement on Violence at U.S. Capitol